Sunday, February 9, 2014

A little about my husband, Ray and woodturning......

 My husband and I are in the phase of life called retirement.  We have found it so different from what we imagined.  We actually think of it as changing jobs and work descriptions.  We are enjoying the opportunity to head off to our separate areas and immerse ourselves in pure joy.

My husband, Ray, has always been busy being a husband, Dad and the main bread winner in our family - now it is his time to reach for his creative goals. He has always admired fine woodturnings after being introduced to it by Rick Stang - (thank you Rick Stang). Ray has always been an excellent craftsman - his attention to detail and having the correct tool for the job have certainly paid off.

 I am very proud of Ray and his beautiful wood turnings - his creativity and attention to the smallest detail amaze me -  although he works in all sizes, my favorites are the minis - I want to keep them all........He works in a variety of woods and sizes - but finds the smallest the most challenging and artistic.  Hours are spent on each piece and occasionally in the blink of an eye all that work is lost as a piece will shatter instantly.  Looking at a piece of wood and imagining a finished piece can take artistic changes along the way.  The joy he experiences and visually shows in holding a completed piece is priceless.  

This blog has been started to share his work with others.  Your interest is appreciated...    Thanks for visiting and have a great day!

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Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment - much appreciated - have a great day!